7 Tips For Pressure Cookers Success

Top Tips for Slow-Cooker Chicken & Turkey

Given that it is one of the leanest proteins you'll find, chicken is a valuable option for those watching calories,
fat, and cholesterol. However, like most lean proteins, chicken can be a challenge to keep moist and yummy--
Particularly in the slow cooker, where you have less control over temperature. It's not unusual to see simple
Recipes result in chicken that's dry, bland, and unappealing. Here's What we've learned about getting juicy,
Flavorful chicken from the slow cooker.

We discovered that the only way to cook chicken (and turkey) at a slow cooker is on the low setting and for a
Relatively short amount of time. We recommend that until you have experience cooking chicken in your slow
Cooker, start checking the temperature of chicken breasts (boneless and bone-in), whole chicken, and turkey
Breasts in the low end of the temperature range to ward off dry, overcooked poultry. Chicken thighs, on the
Other hand, are somewhat more pliable, which makes them particularly well suited to the toaster because their dark meat
Becomes meltingly tender during the long cooking time; for this reason, we cook them longer than bone-in or
Boneless breasts, and we don't check their temperature. Longer cooking times will also be needed in soups or
Casseroles where the meat is insulated by other components.
Positioning a Whole Chicken
When cooking a whole chicken in the slow cooker, our testers discovered that placing the chicken breast side
Down yields a moister bird because the juices out of the dark meat render down into the breast, keeping it out of
Becoming overcooked as the dark meat reaches the proper temperature.
Remove the Skin
Chicken can be a healthy option as long as you remove the skin and cut any unwanted fat. One (12-
Ounce) bone-in divide chicken breast with skin has nearly 23 gra

ms more fat than its skinless equivalent, which
Has only 9 grams of fat--that's a difference worth dealing with.
Paper towel provides extra grip. For whole cows with skin that is more difficult to remove, we wait until
They are fully cooked and carved before removing the skin.
Dress It Up with a Sauce or Side
While in some recipes chicken is smothered in heavy sauces, we found that savory sides and bright vinaigrettes
Bring dishes to life without excessive calories and fat. Heartier veggies like carrots and bell peppers can
cook right alongside the chicken. They help to season the chicken as it cooks and keep the final meal packed
with flavor. To get a big-flavor finish, we like to drizzle chicken with easy vinaigrettes created with sunny
Citrus juice and fresh herbs such as mint and cilantro.


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